All registration info and pertinent details can be found below, and we will be in touch with more updates as we get closer to the spring.
Dates: March 17 - May 22
Practices: Mondays and Thursdays @ STAB from 6:30 - 8 for 3rd - 8th grade. K-2’s will practice ONLY on Thursdays from 5:30 - 6:30.
Games: Sundays @ STABor at other in-state opponents from 4 - 5:30 for all age groups. Week-to-week times/days could change depending on our opponents’ availability and we will make sure to communicate this well in advance.
Cost: K - 2nd grade: $100, 3rd - 8th grade: $250
Registration:Link to Register for Cav Lax Boys' Spring League
Save the Date: We’ve been able to secure four dates when our teams will be able to play at halftime of the following UVA games:
3/15 vs. Maryland (K-2nd grade) 3/22 vs. Utah (3rd and 4th grade) 3/29 vs. Syracuse (5th and 6th grade) 4/19 vs. Lafayette (7th and 8th grade) |